The journey of peach and nectarine production in Spain: from Huelva to Murcia, Badajoz and Lleida

Peach and nectarine production in Spain is one of the most important worldwide. However, due to the different climatic conditions experienced in the country, production moves from one area to another throughout the year. At the moment, peach and nectarine production is migrating from the Huelva area to Murcia, to then continue with Badajoz and Lleida.

The Huelva area is known for its early peach and nectarine production, which is grown under a greenhouse to protect it from the cold and wet winter weather. However, as spring progresses and temperatures begin to rise, production shifts to other regions that experience hotter and drier weather.

Currently, peach and nectarine production is moving to the Murcia region, where Mediterranean climate conditions are ideal for growing these fruits. The Murcia region is known for its production of high-quality fruit and vegetables, and this year’s peach and nectarine production is expected to be no exception.

After production in Murcia, the harvest will move to Badajoz, where growers take advantage of the hot and dry weather conditions to grow fruit with great flavor and aroma. Finally, peach and nectarine production will come to the Lleida region, where farmers are used to working in more extreme climatic conditions to produce high-quality fruit.

In summary, peach and nectarine production in Spain moves from one region to another as climatic conditions change. Production is currently moving from the Huelva area to Murcia, and will then continue in Badajoz and Lleida. Growers in these regions are ready to face the challenges each season presents and produce high-quality fruit for consumers.